Virginia Beach that is! The Driftwood Home and family are headed to southern Virginia!

It’s that time again. For the past 16 years, I have given the majority of my adult life to the Air Force. I’ve spent countless months on deployments and work trips. I’ve moved across the country several times for the military because the mission needed me at that particular time and place. I’ve been fortunate to be in positions to influence the future leaders of the Air Force and leave my mark (hopefully a good one) on the people I’ve encountered during my time here in Washington, D.C. As the sun begins to set on my Air Force career, I’ve finally decided to make my family, and my business a priority as I embark on my final Permanent Change of Station (PCS) to southern Virginia.
This is an answer to my prayers. We as military members don’t have much say or control over our assignments. The Air Force tells us what’s in our best interest. But for the first time in my career, I have been able to finally pick and choose where I want to move and finally retire. And the Air Force said YES! So, Spring 2022 TDH will embark on a new journey and relocate to the Virginia Beach/Chesapeake/Norfolk area.

For the last couple of months I’ve been pretty quiet on social media about my private life. One of the reasons generating this move is that I’ve recently had a new baby! This move will be a blessing as it will surround us with family and allow me more flexibility to grow my business. I can focus on the last four years of my career and perhaps find a permanent home to set down roots.

I’ve always had my heart set on living in California. But as the circumstances in life change, so do priorities and I’m extremely excited about living in southern Virginia.
What this means for my business is that I have to liquidate as many assets as possible. Everything from candles, to vintage inventory and furniture. I will be shutting down my shop early spring to prepare for the move so that I can get a clearer idea and direction of where to take TDH next. There will be lots of inventory in my Etsy shop, which means lots of sales and discounted items. Now is the time to click the “buy” button on that item you’ve had your eye on for a while now! Im not exactly sure when I’ll be able to reopen my shop so now is the best time to stock up on candles, or snag that vintage item you’ve had your eye on for a while!
I do have a year round line that is 24 fragrances available for purchase anytime of the year. However, once my inventory is liquidated and I am able to get up and running in my new location, some of my slow sellers will be phased out and replaced with new fragrances or seasonal fragrances that will stay permanent! So if there is a particular scent you love, better grab it now…it could be a scent that is eventually phased out.
I have a ton of vintage inventory that hasn’t been listed yet. Over the next couple of months, I am going to be listing as much as possible to make sure that I can clear out my stock. As you know, vintage items are usually one of a kind. Rarely do I ever come across two of the same items in great condition. So if there is a vintage item you have been eyeing in my shop, add to cart and click BUY NOW!
I will also be very selective about any custom furniture projects I will be taking on between now and my move. With a little one to care for, major projects will be on the back burner so please make sure to contact me well ahead of time to see if I have availability for your projects! Lots of new furniture inventory will be making its way to my Etsy shop as well to reduce what is in my storage unit.
To shop all my inventory, click >>HERE!<<
I can’t wait to see what this journey has in store for my family and I. It’s always nice to start fresh with a clean slate and build from the ground up. I look forward to this new chapter!

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